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«Мой любимый Ташкент» 2019 г
Ташкент является самым часто посещаемым туристами городом в Узбекистане. Он имеет богатую историю, которая изящно запечатлена в архитектуре и памятниках. Это центр солнечной страны, уникально соединяющий в себе самобытное прошлое и прогрессивную современность.
2-day tour in Almaty for 2019
Uzbekistan is an amazing colorful country, teeming with ancient architecture and monuments, marvelous landscapes and hospitality. It will take months to visit all of the attractions. AsiaExpeditions offers you 3 chic days, 3 ancient cities and a rich entertainment program.
2-х дневный тур в Алматы на 2019 г
Алматы – быстро растущий и меняющийся город. Каждое путешествие сюда – всегда восторженное открытие. Не сдерживайте своё любопытство и спешите удивиться и отдохнуть со вкусом вместе с нами в 2-х дневном туре в Алматы.
Individual and group tours to Issyk Kul
Issyk-Kul (from the Kyrgyz language Issyk-Kul - “hot lake”) is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan,without drainage, is among the 25 largest lakes in the world and is in sixth place in the list ofthe deepest lakes. It is located in the northeastern part of the republic, between the ranges ofthe Northern Tien Shan: Kungei-Ala-Too and Terskey Ala-Too at an altitude of 1609 m abovesea level. The lake is drainless, up to 80 relatively small tributaries flow into it.
One day tour in Almaty 2019
June 02, 2019How much energy, taste and grandeur in the southern capital of Kazakhstan! Speed and competitive race will remain outside our tour in Almaty. Only refreshing vivacity of walks, bewitched contemplation of nature and a sea of pleasure. Do not miss the opportunity to admire beautiful landscapes and visit unique entertainment places with us.
Son Kul-Kara Kujur-Issyk Kul
Son-Kul is a large alpine lake, sandwiched in a hollow between the internal spurs of Tien Shan.Located between the ridges of Son-Kul-Too and Moldo-Too, at an altitude of 3016 above sealevel in the north-western part of the Naryn region (Kyrgyzstan).
Tour «Blue domes of Uzbekistan» in 2019
Uzbekistan is an amazing colorful country, teeming with ancient architecture and monuments, marvelous landscapes and hospitality. It will take months to visit all of the attractions. AsiaExpeditions offers you 3 chic days, 3 ancient cities and a rich entertainment program.
Tour «My favorite Tashkent
Tashkent is the most visited city by tourists in Uzbekistan. It has a rich history that is gracefully captured in architecture and monuments. This is the center of a sunny country, uniquely combining an original past and progressive modernity.Sayakat Tourism offers you an original itinerary covering the most picturesque places of the city.
Wildlife Experience
Kyrgyzstan has more than 4,000 plant species. Rare forests at an altitude of 2000–2500 m havevarious types of grasses and plants, including Tien Shan spruces and edelweiss.The fauna is represented by more than 500 species of vertebrates (of which 335 species of birdsand 49 species of fish) and 3000 species of insects, many of which are rare and are listed in theRed Book.